PSIcontrol with comprehensive functions for grid calculations and IT security
Berlin, March 24, 2025 – Überlandwerk Mittelbaden GmbH & Co. KG is renewing the grid control system in cooperation with PSI Software SE. With comprehensive functions, PSI will replace the previous legacy system with the PSIcontrol software.

The delivery includes important functions for large-scale grid calculations, fault and grid analysis, as well as switching applications. In addition, the patchable system offers very high availability. Besides the software, PSI will also deliver hardware and services.
“A secure, digital and sustainable grid is the basis for the reliable energy supply of our customers in Mittelbaden. That is why we are proactively and continuously aligning ourselves with future requirements,” explains Matthias Böhmann, Technical Director of Überlandwerk Mittelbaden GmbH & Co. KG. Furthermore, he emphasizes: “We chose PSI's innovative software solutions for the renewal of our grid control system because of their decades of industry-leading experience.”
By implementing PSIcontrol, we will be able to meet future requirements for our control system and IT security.
Following the launch of the new control system in about two years, the field force management system PSIcommand and the redispatch basic solution from PSI will be implemented.
Überlandwerk Mittelbaden GmbH & Co. KG, headquartered in Lahr, is responsible for the planning, expansion and operation of the electricity grids in large parts of the Ortenau region and in parts of the districts of Freudenstadt, Rastatt and Rottweil. The company provides electricity supply services and is largely responsible for the energy infrastructure in the Mittelbaden region. In this regulated environment, it plans the construction and maintenance of the grids, ensures economic efficiency and quality of supply, and works with grid customers and around 50 municipalities.
The PSI Group develops software products for optimizing the flow of energy and materials for utilities and industry. As an independent software producer with more than 2,300 employees, PSI has been a technology leader since 1969 for process control systems that ensure sustainable energy supply and production by combining AI methods with industrially proven optimization methods. The innovative industry products can be operated on-premises or in the cloud.