Sustainability 17 Sustainable Development Goals
We want to lead by example in reducing our environmental impact. This is shown, among other things, in our responsible use of energy, raw materials and manpower in the energy industry, the production and transport sectors.
In 2015, the international community adopted the 2030 Agenda, setting 17 global sustainability goals for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The Agenda is a roadmap for the future that will enable people around the world to live in dignity while preserving the natural foundations of life in the long term.
PSI also contributes to the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations.
We place a particular focus on a sustainable energy supply (Goal 7) and production (Goal 12) as well as on resilient infrastructures (Goal 9) and sustainable cities (Goal 11).
You can read more about this and our other activities here:
1. No Poverty
PSI creates qualified jobs in Germany and 18 other countries around the world and contributes to the efficient use of natural resources and energy with intelligent software products. In this way, PSI makes an indirect contribution to ending poverty.
2. Zero hunger
PSI has no direct connection to agriculture and food production, but has supported victims of heavy floods on several occasions in the past.
3. Good health and well-being
PSI products contribute indirectly to the reduction of harmful emissions. This includes, on the one hand, the numerous functions for the better integration of renewable energy into the energy supply and, on the other hand, solutions for the expansion of e-mobility through the integration of charging infrastructure into municipal power grids and depots. In addition, PSI products improve efficiency for the optimization of production and logistics processes and thus help to avoid harmful emissions. There are health promotion and health protection programs as well as a certified occupational health and safety management system to protect our own employees.
4. Quality education
PSI creates apprenticeships and also cooperates with educational institutions such as schools (e.g. through student internships and the provision of hardware) and universities (participation in dual study programs, supervision of theses, research partnerships, etc.) in the regional vicinity of the company locations. In Malaysia, PSI donated school bags and learning materials to families affected by flooding.
5. Gender equality
In principle, PSI makes no distinction between the sexes and has therefore not established any specific measures to promote any gender. The proportion of women, currently around 25 %, suggests that an increase in the sense of a balanced gender structure in the group is sought, provided that the labor market situation, especially for female engineering graduates, allows this. PSI has set targets for the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board, the Executive Board and the first two management levels below the Executive Board and published them in the corporate governance declaration. PSI supports the achievement of these targets with special training programs for women in management positions.
6. Clean water and sanitation
PSI has supplied several flood management systems in Malaysia that use intelligent decision support to automatically control the discharge of floods in the monsoon season and at the same time ensure an adequate water supply for municipalities, industry and soil irrigation.
7. Affordable and clean energy
PSI network control systems for the management of large electrical transmission networks have been and are continuously being expanded to include functions for the intelligent management of the feed-in of renewable energy, through which significantly more energy can be used from renewable sources, losses in the network are minimized and the security of the supply is also increased. This includes functions such as safety calculations, thermal overhead line monitoring, bottleneck, generation, feed-in management and automated grid management with a self-learning system that can be used as a grid autopilot. PSI is committed to the development of the intelligent energy supply infrastructure of the future together with partners from the energy industry and science. This includes, among other things, new products for intelligent microgrids and charging infrastructures. PSI gas management systems support the integration of higher proportions of hydrogen into the existing gas network in order to be able to store excess wind power as “green hydrogen”. They enable optimized control of the compressor stations required for network operation and minimize technical losses. Leak detection and location systems help reduce losses during long-distance transport and prevent environmental damage. Gas is making a positive contribution to the energy transition, primarily through the storage options.
8. Decent work and economic growth
PSI is committed to adhering to the principles of decent work and sustainable growth. As a software manufacturer, PSI has comparatively low resource requirements and only creates high-quality and secure jobs. PSI adheres to the legally guaranteed principles of freedom of association (Works Constitution Act - BetrVG), the prohibition of discrimination (General Equal Treatment Act - AGG) as well as employee diversity and participation (Ninth Book of the Social Code - SGB IX). PSI currently has no activities in countries with a sensitive human rights situation. Since employees are of particular importance for the development of the company, PSI determines the Employee Commitment Index to measure one's own performance with regard to employee engagement. Employee engagement is an expression of the motivation and loyalty of employees as well as their identification with PSI. Through the use of industrial artificial intelligence, PSI products improve the efficiency of production and logistics processes and thus create better conditions for sustainable economic growth.
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
PSI primarily contributes to resilient infrastructures with products from the energy, traffic and public transport sectors, the solutions of which ensure that the infrastructure is used evenly and gently, and through the use of industrial artificial intelligence methods for condition assessment, prognoses and determination optimal recommendations for action contribute significantly to avoiding failures. When switching to emission-free local public transport through the use of electric buses, PSI software takes into account and optimizes all important influencing factors such as the limited range, the charging infrastructure on the route and in the depot, the number of passengers and the outside temperature. In industry, PSI software products ensure increased efficiency and the responsible use of energy, raw materials and manpower. For example, when optimizing assembly sequences in the automotive industry, using extended fuzzy logic, an average of 15 % of resources can be saved, which corresponds to an annual CO2 avoidance of several thousand tons for a vehicle factory. In the metal industry, PSI's AI algorithms optimize the use of energy and resources, and they also accompany the structural change to low-carbon steel production.
10. Reduced inequality
PSI creates qualified jobs in Germany and 16 other countries around the world and thus contributes indirectly - as a medium-sized company but only to a small extent - to reducing inequalities between countries. PSI follows the legally guaranteed principles of the prohibition of discrimination (General Equal Treatment Act - AGG) as well as employee diversity and participation (Ninth Book of the Social Code - SGB IX) and thus guarantees equal opportunities within the company.
11. Sustainable cities and communities
PSI contributes to sustainable cities and municipalities with solutions in the public transport sector for efficient local transport networks and depots, with depot management being particularly important, as the charging infrastructure for electric buses is integrated and controlled here. In the logistics and transport sector, PSI has developed, among other things, new solutions for the dynamic control and operation of optimized logistics networks in recent years, which help to save up to 10 % in transport costs and emissions. The traffic flow optimization for metropolitan areas and cities developed by PSI takes into account not only the individual mobility goals of road users and strategic goals of the road operator, but also collective and ecological goals. For municipal energy providers, PSI offers control systems which, in addition to a secure power supply, also sector coupling, i.e. the joint control and optimization of the infrastructures for electricity, gas, water and heat in a uniform system. In addition, AI and cloud-based products are used for intelligent microgrids and charging infrastructures.
12. Responsible consumption and production
PSI products for the manufacturing industry support new types of production that are characterized by flexible, decentralized manufacturing methods (swarm manufacturing) and enable the sustainable production of even small numbers of innovative products. One example is the production of innovative electric vehicles. PSI software solutions for the optimization of logistic networks and the control and optimization of transports in real time help to save up to 10 % of transport costs and emissions and thus contribute to sustainable consumption.
13. Climate action
PSI software solutions make a significant contribution to the careful and sustainable use of energy, raw materials and manpower in the energy industry and the production sector. They enable the expansion and increased use of renewable energy and thus contribute to the reduction of fossil fuels. They optimize the use of energy in industry, contribute to the attractiveness and efficiency of public transport and help avoid emissions by optimizing logistics structures and traffic flows. PSI has been participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project since 2011 and has significantly improved the score since then. PSI uses green IT equipment, in Germany only purchases electricity from hydropower and relies on combined heat and power at its own location in Aschaffenburg. In 2020 PSI carried out an energy audit in accordance with DIN EN 16247-1 to evaluate energy flows and potential for improvement in the area of energy efficiency.
14. Life below water
As a software manufacturer, PSI does not use oceans or marine resources, but encourages all employees to use reusable packaging and avoid plastic waste. In addition, PSI does not make any active contribution to the conservation of the oceans and marine resources.
15. Life on land
As a software manufacturer, PSI does not use terrestrial ecosystems, nor does it make any active contribution to their preservation.
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
In its code of conduct, the PSI Group is committed to responsible action and fair business practices.Managers and employees ensure that their own behavior and that of all those reporting to them are in accordance with applicable law and free of conflicts of interest. They are not allowed to offer, demand or accept any inappropriate benefits to functionaries from authorities and politics as well as existing or potential business partners.
17. Partnerships for the goals
When it comes to achieving business and sustainability goals, PSI relies on strong international partnerships. Partners have to implement PSI's claim to quality and performance. The relationship is aimed at mutual success. The partners adhere to the legal norms on decent work, the protection of natural livelihoods, fair business conduct and the protection of intellectual property.