Sustainability Employees
The diversity of our employees is a great potential that is encouraged. Collegial cooperation is the focus and is characterized by mutual respect.
Transparency, fairness and respect form the foundation of our successful community.
Freedom of Association
PSI respects the freedom of association guaranteed by German law (Works Constitution Act - BetrVG). The Works Constitution Act regulates cooperation between the employer and the workforce of a company, the latter being represented by its elected works council.
Elimination of Discrimination
PSI follows the anti-discrimination standards set by German law (General Law on equal treatment - AGG). The purpose of this Act is to prevent or to stop discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Workforce Diversity
PSI follows the standards for the employment of severely handicapped people with a special focus on severely handicapped women set by German law (Volume nine of the German Social Code - SGB IX). The ninth Book of the Social Code contains the rules for the rehabilitation and participation of disabled people in Germany.
Employee Commitment
Since 2017, PSI has been calculating an employee commitment index in order to measure its performance with regard to employee commitment. Employee commitment shows the employees’ motivation and loyalty and the extent to which they identify with PSI.
The employee commitment index includes average employee turnover, employee satisfaction and the average sick leave rate in the Group, with targets being defined for all three criteria. In the subsequent calculation of the index based on the respective level of target achievement, employee turnover and employee satisfaction are given a higher weighting than the sick leave rate. The PSI Group achieved an Employee Commitment Index of 82 % in 2022 after 96 % in 2021.
Work Safety and Health Protection
Health protection and work safety have a high priority within PSI. Our goal is a sustainable reduction of occupational health risks to employees, customers, suppliers and visitors.
As part of our corporate culture and fiduciary duty hazard analyzes are performed and taken the necessary measures for safety at work, working conditions, first-aider care, fire assistants, security officers, medical prevention (mandatory and offer examinations). The success is checked annually by audit.
Responsible actions of management, employees, company doctor and health and safety representative are promoted. Improvements are maintained in the occupational safety and health management system.
The occupational health and safety management system was last assessed by an external company in 2022 and certified as meeting the requirements of DIN ISO 45001.
Employee Training
Human resources development and employee qualification are key to the functionality and innovative character of PSI’s products. The major focus is on the specialist training of new employees at international locations and locations in Germany, as well as qualification of employees for international work.
This takes place in the form of sales, project management and contract law training and courses relating to Group software tools. Groupwide work teams focusing on the topics of technology, infrastructure, product management, maintenance, quality management, controlling and marketing promote knowledge transfer and standardisation within the Group. Employee training for the uniform group technology platform is particularly important for the strategic development of the Group.
In order to make early contact with graduates of appropriate degree programs, PSI is involved in promoting education and research in engineering and natural sciences on many levels. PSI also maintains working ties with universities near the Group’s most important locations, for example by offering work placements and cooperating on dual major programs.
Since the fall of 2010, PSI has been an industry partner for the logistics research cluster and a project partner for the environmentally friendly and sustainable energy technology cluster, while since the beginning of 2016 it has also acted as a technology partner at the new European 4.0 Transformation Centre at the new RWTH Aachen campus.