Sustainability Corporate governance
Effective leadership is critical to guiding strategic direction, fostering teamwork and establishing a culture of success.
Responsibility characterizes our actions towards our customers, employees and partners.
Corporate Social Responsibility
PSI software solutions help customers in the energy industry and in the production sector to use energy, raw materials and human resources in a responsible and sustainable way.
Examples include optimizing the use of energy and supporting decarbonization in the steel and aluminium industries as well as additional network control system functions for the better integration of renewable energies into the energy mix.
For a specialist software provider like PSI, having highly qualified and motivated staff members provides crucial competitive advantage. For this reason, the PSI Group has for many years employed a high percentage of university graduates with specialist industry knowledge. The number of employees with university degrees exceeds 80 %, most of whom have engineering backgrounds.
A special feature of PSI is that employees and management hold around 20 % of PSI shares. For many years now the employee share scheme has promoted the entrepreneurial thought and action of the workforce. In 2016, the program was re-launched and complemented by incentives for a long-term investment by employees.
For more information see the Annual Report 2023.
Directors remuneration
The remuneration is disclosed in the Corporate Governance Declaration and in the Remuneration Report 2022.
Corporate Governance Declaration
Remuneration Report (german only)
Directors Biographies
Directors Biographies are disclosed as part of Corporate Governance information on the PSI internet page under Board of Directors and Supervisory Board.
Board of Directors
Supervisory Board
Board Diversity Targets
The targets for board diversity and the degree of achievement are disclosed in the Corporate Governance Declaration and in the Annual Report.
Corporate Governance Declaration
Board Independence
Persons to be suggested for appointment must not have potential conflicts of interest. In particular, members of the Supervisory Board must not hold positions on the Boards or carry out consultancy work for the main competitors of PSI Software AG or a Group company.
Corporate Governance Declaration
Audit Committee
Detailed information about committees, their duties, their composition and the remuneration for the committee activity are disclosed in the Corporate Governance Declaration and in the Annual Report.
Corporate Governance Declaration
Personnel Committee
Detailed information about committees, their duties, their composition and the remuneration for the committee activity are disclosed in the Corporate Governance Declaration and in the Annual Report.
Corporate Governance Declaration
Policy on Political Involvement and Contribution
PSI is not involved in politics and does not contribute to any political group.