Welcome to our website of PSI Software SE, Dircksenstrasse 42-44, 10178 Berlin (Mitte), Germany. Thank you for your interest. PSI Software SE takes the protection of personal data very seriously. Therefore, we would like to inform you below which data from your visit will be used for which purposes.

1. What is personal data?

Personal data includes individual information about personal or factual circumstances of an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject), for example, your real name, age, marital status, address, email address, telephone number, bank details or date of birth.

2. Principle of anonymous processing

Unless otherwise stated in the following sections, no personal data are collected, processed or used when you use our website.

If you wish to view our website, we collect the following data, which is technically necessary for us to display our website to you and to ensure stability and security. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 letter f) of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

While preserving your anonymity, information is transmitted when you visit our website, such as

  • IP address
  • Browser type/version
  • Operating system used
  • Referrer URL (the previously visited page)
  • Time of the server request

PSI Software SE cannot assign these data to specific persons. These data are not merged with other data sources; the data are also deleted after a statistical evaluation and used exclusively to improve the attractiveness, content and functionality of our websites.

3. Cookies

In order to constantly optimize our website, we use so-called cookies. Cookies are files that the websites you visit transfer to your computer for identification and later serve to facilitate navigation. This means that you do not have to re-enter all the necessary data each time you use the site. It is thus possible for us to tailor our web pages exactly to your needs. If you wish to prevent the use of cookies, you can refuse the acceptance of cookies in your browser. Please refer to the instructions of your browser manufacturer to find out how this works in detail.

When accessing our website, all users of our website are also informed by an information banner about our use of cookies and referred to this data privacy notice. As a user, you will also be asked for your consent to the use of certain cookies, in particular for the personalization of services and for marketing measures. Once you have given your consent, you can revoke it at any time with effect for the future by unchecking the box next to the processing to which you have consented.

The legal basis for possible processing of personal data by means of cookies and their storage period may vary. Insofar as you have given us consent, the legal basis is Art.6 para.1 sentence 1 letter a) GDPR. Insofar as the data processing is based on our overriding legitimate interests, the legal basis is Art.6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter f) GDPR. The stated purpose then corresponds to our legitimate interest. The cookies used on this website can be viewed in the cookie settings:

3.1 Google Ads (previously Google AdWords), remarketing and conversion tracking

We use the service Google Ads. Google Ads is an online advertising program of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The responsible entity for users in the EU/EEA and Switzerland is Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

This means that we place Google Ads and also use Google remarketing and conversion tracking as part of this. The ads are displayed after search queries on websites of the Google advertising network. In addition, we use Ads remarketing lists for search ads. This allows us to customize search ad campaigns for users who have visited our website before. Through the services, we have the opportunity to combine our ads with certain search terms or to display ads for previous visitors in which, for example, services are advertised that the visitors have viewed on our website. We can thus display interest-based advertising to users of our website on other websites within the Google advertising network (as a "Google ad" within Google search or on other websites).

An analysis of online user behavior is necessary for interest-based offers. Google uses cookies to perform this analysis. When clicking on an ad or visiting our website, a cookie is set on the user's computer by Google. These cookies have a term of 90 days. The information collected by means of the respective cookie is used to target the visitor in a subsequent search query. Further information on the cookie technology used can also be found in Google's notes on website statistics and in the privacy policy. With the help of this technology, Google and we as a customer receive information about the fact that a user has clicked on an ad and was redirected to our websites. The information obtained in this way is used exclusively for a statistical evaluation for ad optimization. We do not receive any information with which visitors can be personally identified. Your IP address is transmitted to Google, but since we use Google Analytics IP masking on this website, your IP address is anonymized. The statistics provided to us by Google include the total number of users who clicked on one of our ads and, if applicable, whether they were redirected to a page on our website that is tagged with a conversion tag. Based on these statistics, we can track which search terms were clicked on our ad particularly often and which ads lead to a contact via the contact form by the user.

Insofar as data is processed outside the EEA, where there is no level of data protection corresponding to the European standard, we have concluded EU standard contractual clauses with the service provider to establish a secure level of data protection.

You can find more information on data protection in the context of Google Ads at: https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=en

The data collection and storage take place only after explicit consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter a) GDPR. This can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.

If you do not want your visit to be included in the user statistics, you can prevent this by preventing the storage of the cookie required for these technologies, for example, via the settings of your browser.

You also have the option to select the types of Google ads or disable interest-based ads on Google via the ads setting. Alternatively, you can disable the use of cookies by third parties by calling the deactivation help of the network advertising initiative.

However, we and Google still receive the statistical information about how many users have visited this page and when. If you also do not want to be included in these statistics, you can prevent this with the help of additional programs for your browser (for example, with the  Ghostery add-on).

3.2. Google Analytics

Insofar as you have given your consent, Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC, is used on this website. The responsible entity for users in the EU/EEA and Switzerland is Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland ("Google").

Scope of processing

Google Analytics uses cookies that enable an analysis of your use of our website. The information collected by means of the cookies about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

In Google Analytics 4, the anonymization of IP addresses is activated by default. Due to IP anonymization, your IP address is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data from Google.

During your website visit, your user behavior is recorded in the form of "events". Events can include:

  • Page views
  • First visit to the website
  • Start of session
  • Your "click path", interaction with the website
  • Scrolls (whenever a user scrolls to the bottom of the page (90%))
  • Clicks on external links
  • Internal search queries
  • Interaction with videos
  • Ads seen/clicked

The following data are also recorded:

  • Your approximate location (region)
  • Your IP address (in shortened form)
  • Technical information about your browser and the terminal devices you use (e.g. language setting, screen resolution)
  • Your internet service provider
  • The referrer URL (via which website/advertising medium you came to this website)

Purposes of processing

On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your (pseudonymous) use of the website and compiling reports on website activity. The reports provided by Google Analytics are used to analyze the performance of our website and the success of our marketing campaigns.


Recipients of the data are/could include

Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (as a processor according to Art. 28 GDPR)

Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Alphabet Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

It cannot be ruled out that U.S. authorities will access the data stored by Google.

Transfer to third countries

Insofar as data are processed outside the EU/EEA and there is no level of data protection corresponding to the European standard, we have concluded EU standard contractual clauses with the service provider to establish an appropriate level of data protection. The parent company of Google Ireland, Google LLC, is based in California, USA. A transfer of data to the USA and access by US authorities to the data stored by Google cannot be ruled out. The USA is currently considered a third country from a data protection perspective. You do not have the same rights there as within the EU/EEA. You may not have any legal remedies against access by authorities.

Storage duration

The data sent by us and linked to cookies are automatically deleted after 14 months. Data for which retention period has been reached are automatically deleted once a month.

Legal basis

The legal basis for this data processing is your consent pursuant to Art.6 para.1 sentence 1 letter a) GDPR.


You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future by calling up the cookie settings (see cookie icon at the bottom right ) and changing your selection there. The lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the revocation remains unaffected by this.

Alternatively, you can prevent cookies from being stored in the first place by configuring your browser software accordingly. However, if you configure your browser to refuse all cookies, you may experience limitations in functionality on this and other websites. You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of this data by Google, by

a. not giving your consent to the setting of the cookie or

b. downloading and installing the browser add-on to disable Google Analytics HERE.

You can find more information about Google Analytics terms of use and Google's privacy policy at https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/ or at https://policies.google.com/?hl=en.

3.3. Google Maps Plug-In

This site uses the mapping service Google Maps. Google Maps is a mapping service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The responsible entity for users in the EU/EEA and Switzerland is Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

In order to use the functions of Google Maps, information, including the IP address as well as the address, which is entered within the scope of the route function, can be transmitted to the provider's servers. This information is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. When you visit a website that contains Google Maps, your browser establishes a direct connection with Google's servers, whereby the map content is sent to your browser and integrated by it. The provider of this site has no influence on this data transmission. According to current knowledge, this includes the following data:

  • Date and time of the visit to the web page in question,
  • Internet address or URL of the web page called up,
  • IP address, (start) address entered as part of route planning.

Google Maps is used in the interest of an appealing presentation of our online offers and an easy location of the places indicated by us on the website. If you do not wish Google to process data via this service, you can deactivate the use of JavaScript in your browser settings. Please note that in this case the interactive map function of Google Maps cannot be used.

Insofar as data are processed outside of the European Economic Area/EU, where there is no level of data protection that corresponds to the European standard, Google uses standard contractual clauses according to its own information.

More information on the handling of user data can be found in Google's privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US.

Data collection and storage is only carried out after explicit consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter a) GDPR. This can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.

3.4. Google Forms

This site uses the form service Google Forms in various places. The provider is Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

In order to use the functions of Google Forms, it is necessary to store the data provided. This information is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The provider of this site has no influence on this transfer of data.

The use of Google Forms is in the interest of an appealing presentation of our online offer and an easy utilization of the specified data. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 letter f) GDPR.

You can find more details on the handling of user data in Google's privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en

3.5. Hotjar

We use the web analytics service Hotjar to analyze the use of our website. Hotjar Ltd (St Julian's Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julian's STJ 1000, Malta) complies with the provisions of the Data Protection Act, Chapter 440 of the Laws of Malta ("Applicable Law"), which implements all relevant European Union directives on data protection.

By means of Hotjar, user behavior (mouse movements, clicks, scroll height, etc.) on our websites is measured, recorded if necessary, and analyzed. Furthermore, information is collected about previously visited websites, your home country, devices used, operating systems and browsers. The IP address of the end device is only collected and stored in an anonymous way by setting the last octet of IPv4 addresses to 0 to ensure that the full IP address is never written to disk. The collected data is transferred and stored via an encrypted connection to servers located in Ireland (EU).

Recording and heatmap data are stored for 365 days from the date of creation. Responses captured by the feedback tools are deleted when no longer needed.

The purpose of the described data processing is to improve the service, the functionality of the Hotjar-based website and thus the user experience. For this purpose, Hotjar also sets cookies on your end devices, among other things. You can find more information about the cookies used at: https://help.hotjar.com/hc/en-us/articles/6952777582999-Cookies-Set-by-the-Hotjar-Tracking-Code

For more information about Hotjar's privacy compliance, click here: https://www.hotjar.com/privacy/

The data collection and storage is only carried out after consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 letter a) GDPR. This can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.

4. Social Media

4.1. Twitter, LinkedIn, XING, YouTube, Instagram

On our website you will find links to the social media services of Twitter, LinkedIn, XING, YouTube, Instagram.

You can recognize links to the websites of the social media services by the respective company logo. If you follow these links, you will reach PSI's corporate presence on the respective social media service. When you click on a link to a social media service, a connection is established to the servers of the social media service. This transmits to the servers of the social media service that you have visited our website. In addition, further data are transmitted to the provider of the social media service. These include for example:

  • Address of the web page on which the activated link is located
  • Date and time when the website was accessed or the link was activated
  • Information about the browser and operating system used
  • IP address

If you are already logged in to the corresponding social media service at the time the link is activated, the provider of the social media service may be able to determine your username and possibly even your real name from the transmitted data and assign this information to your personal user account with the social media service. You can exclude this possibility of assignment to your personal user account if you log out of your user account beforehand.

The servers of the social media services Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram are located in the USA and other countries outside the European Union. The data may therefore also be processed by the provider of the social media service in countries outside the European Union. Please note that companies in these countries are subject to data protection laws that do not generally protect personal data to the same extent as is the case in the member states of the European Union.

Please note that we have no influence on the scope, type and purpose of data processing by the provider of the social media service. For more information on the use of your data by the social media services integrated on our website, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective social media service.

4.2. Twitter

Functions of the Twitter service are integrated on our pages.

These functions are offered by Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07 Ireland.

By visiting our website and using Twitter, the web pages you visit are linked to your Twitter account and made known to other users.

In the process, data are also transferred to Twitter that may be personal and used by Twitter, such as usage data (e.g. website visited, interest in content, access times), communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).

The service provider Twitter receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our online offer. You do not need to have an account with Twitter or be logged in there. If you are logged in to Twitter, these data are directly assigned to your account. If you are logged in to Twitter and click on the social plugin (sharing button) of Twitter on one of our pages, Twitter also stores this information in your user account and shares this publicly with your contacts. If you do not want the assignment to your Twitter profile, you must log out of Twitter before clicking on the social plugin.

As operators of the Twitter accounts @PSIAG and @PSI_IR, we would also like to point out that we have no knowledge of the exact content of the transmitted data or how Twitter uses it. In order to follow us or tweet with us, you have already consented to the processing of your data by Twitter on the Twitter website. More information on this can be found in Twitter's privacy policy: https://twitter.com/en/privacy.

You can change your privacy settings on Twitter in the account settings: https://twitter.com/settings/account/personalization.

The processing of personal data of visitors to our online presences by means of plug-ins is based on Art. 6 para. 1 letter f) GDPR (legitimate interest). Our legitimate interest is to ensure communication with our customers, their information about news related to our products.

5. Contact and request for information

You have various options on our websites to contact us or request information about our company. The legal basis for processing your data is Art. 6 para.1 sentence 1 letter b) GDPR.

5.1. Contact forms

Under the heading Contact, we offer you the opportunity to get in touch with us. In the Investor Service, you can also request information about our company and the PSI share. Occasionally we offer you the opportunity to register for events. In order to process these inquiries, we need your title, your name as well as your email address and the text of your message, as well as any other information to which you will be informed separately.

The other information requested enables us to improve the processing and preparation of your contact. The communication of the data you provide in this context is expressly on a voluntary basis and with your consent.

The personal data provided to us will be used exclusively for the purpose for which you provide it when contacting us. The data will not be used for any other purpose without your express consent. You can, of course, revoke your declarations of consent at any time for the future. To do so, please contact our data protection officer, whose contact details can be found below.

5.2. Distribution list for press, shareholder and other information

In the Investor Service section, we offer you the opportunity to be included in our distribution list for press and shareholder information. You can choose whether to receive the information by mail or email. If you wish to receive the information by mail, we will need your first and last name and your address (street, postal code and city). If you choose to receive the information by email, you will need to enter your first and last name as well as your email address for authentication purposes.

Of course, you have the option at any time to unsubscribe from the trade journals or to be removed from the distribution list and to object to the use of your data for advertising purposes. You can revoke your consent with effect for the future by sending an informal email to the email address given on the websites for the subscriptions to the individual trade journals or by having yourself removed from the distribution list in the Investor Service section of our website. To do so, please contact our data protection officer, whose contact details can be found below. Your data will then be deleted from our system immediately.

The legal basis for sending the respective information is your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter a) GDPR in conjunction with Section 7 para. 2 No. 3 of the Unfair Competition Act (Gesetzes gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb, UWG) or the legal permission according to Section 7 para. 3 UWG.

5.3. PSI Marketplace

In the Marketplace, registered customers can select products and place orders after they have created a separate customer account with name, company, address, email and telephone number.

For this purpose, you will receive a separate confirmation email after registration and separately your access data. The personal data provided to us will be used exclusively within the scope of your consent and only for the purpose for which you provide it when contacting us.

If you wish to unsubscribe, you can contact the customer support at any time and revoke your consent to the processing of your data for the future.

The legal bases are Art. 6 para.1 sentence 1 letters a) and b) GDPR (consent/contract fulfillment).

6. Careers

If you apply to our company electronically, your details will only be used to process your application and will not be passed on to third parties. Please note that applications sent to us electronically by email are transmitted unencrypted.

Your information will be used for processing your application and deciding on the establishment of an employment relationship. The legal basis is Section 26 para. 1 in conjunction with para. 8 sentence 2 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG). Furthermore, your personal data may be processed insofar as this should be necessary for the defense of asserted legal claims against us arising from the application process. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter f) GDPR. In the stated purposes also lies the legitimate interest in processing.

Insofar as an employment relationship arises between you and us, we may, in accordance with Section 26 (1) BDSG, further process the personal data already received from you for the purposes of the employment relationship if this is necessary for the performance or termination of the employment relationship or for the exercise or fulfillment of the rights and obligations of the employee representative body resulting from a law or a collective bargaining agreement, a company or service agreement (collective agreement).

Your application data will not be processed beyond the described use.

Your personal data will be deleted after completion of the application process after 6 months at the latest, unless there are other legitimate interests on our part that prevent deletion or you have not given us permission to store it for longer. Other legitimate interest in this sense is, for example, a duty to provide evidence in proceedings under the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG).

7. No data transfers to third parties

Your data will not be transferred to third parties unless we are legally obliged to do so. Insofar as external service providers come into contact with your personal data, we have ensured through legal, technical and organizational measures, as well as through regular checks, that they comply with the provisions of the data protection laws.

8. Data security

PSI Software SE has taken extensive technical and operational security precautions to protect your data from unauthorized access or misuse. Our security procedures are regularly reviewed and adapted to technological progress. Our employees are trained and committed to data secrecy.

9. Duration of data storage/deletion of data

We store your data within the permissible duration of use and in accordance with your consent.

You have the possibility at any time to object to the use of the data and request deletion.

10. Rights and complaint options

(1) You have the following rights with respect to the data concerning you:

  • Right to information,
  • Right to rectification or erasure,
  • Right to restriction of processing,
  • Right to withdraw your consent,
  • Right to object to processing,

You may exercise any of these rights by contacting our data protection officer at the following address:

Attn. Christian Regnery
PSI Software SE
Dircksenstrasse 42-44
10178 Berlin, Germany


E-mail: datenschutzbeauftragter@psi.de

(2) You also have the right to complain to the competent data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data by us (https://www.datenschutz-berlin.de).