Sustainability Customers & Suppliers
Long-term customer relationships are crucial for the company's sustained positive economic development.
High standards in our business relationships ensure sustainable cooperation.
Long-term Customer Relationships
Long-term customer relationships form the basis for the PSI Group’s positive long-term economic performance. Since 2017, PSI has been calculating the customer loyalty index in order to measure its performance with regard to customer relationships.
The customer loyalty index therefore takes account of customers’ willingness to conclude long-term maintenance and upgrade contracts and to provide a reference. Targets are defined and their achievement is measured both for the share of consolidated revenues attributable to maintenance and upgrade contracts and for the level of willingness to provide a reference. The target achievement levels calculated in this way are included in the index with equal weightings. In 2020, the customer loyalty index was 96 % after 86 % in 2019.
Data Privacy
Confidential data which is entrusted to PSI will be treated as confidential and protected against disclosure to third parties. PSI will defend its own Intellectual Property Rights whilst also respecting the IPRs of other parties. All PSI employees are bound to treat trade secrets and data as confidential.
PSI Group has been awarded DIN ISO/IEC 27001 certification in accordance with information security management system requirements since 2016.
Social Supply Chain Standards
PSI purchases products particularly from large international IT groups like Hewlett Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle or SAP with comprehensive social standards. Additionally, PSI works with freelancers which have to comply with the same standards which apply for PSI employees.
PSI is committed to respecting human rights and protecting the environment in its own business operations and in its cooperation with suppliers. As required by the Supply Chain Due Diligence Law, PSI has developed a policy statement to outline its commitment to human rights and the environment, as well as its approach to managing related risks in its own business and when working with suppliers.
This policy statement contains the guiding principles, explains how PSI implements the law, describes the risk management process, the complaints procedure and the efforts for continuous improvement.
While employees lead by example, PSI expects suppliers and other business partners to also commit to respecting human rights, to establishing appropriate due diligence processes and to communicating this expectation to their own business partners.
Declaration of Principles according to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Law
Membership in Industry Associations
PSI is a member of the industrial associations ZVEI, VDMA und BDEW and complies with their standards.
Supply Chain Monitoring
PSI Group has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001 since 1994. Part of the quality management is a defined process for selection and evaluation of suppliers.