Corporate ethics is a central component of our corporate culture and ensures that we act responsibly in all our business activities.

Ethical behavior in the company

Ethical behavior and integrity are top priorities at PSI. The ethical approaches that the company pursues are laid down in the Code of Conduct and define the actions of the company and all subsidiaries and holdings as well as the behavior of all employees.
In addition to fair dealings with all customers, shareholders, employees, partners and competitors, PSI maintains long-term customer relationships which are distinguished by frank and close cooperation.

The aim is to give customers an economic competitive edge with innovative products and efficient project implementation and to support them in achieving their strategic plans. PSI also attaches great importance to extensive employee training. The excellent technical and people skills of PSI employees are continuously improved by training and the organisational structure and working environment are designed to encourage performance, creativity and engagement.

PSI sets high standards especially in the handling of confidential information. All business information worthy of protection that is entrusted to employees in the course of their work must be treated strictly confidentially and protected from attacks by third parties. PSI also defends its own Intellectual Property Rights whilst also respecting the IPRs of other parties. PSI applies an information security management system and has been ISO 27001 certified since 2016.

Policy on Bribery and Corruption

Employees are strictly forbidden to ask for, accept or offer inappropriate inducements when dealing with public servants or others with whom there is an established or prospective business relationship. Inappropriate means, in this context, that a third party may conclude that a trade has been unfairly influenced, that the standards of hospitality were exceeded or that an existing law has been violated.

Partners of PSI are required to comply with the company’s standards of quality and performance; to comply with all applicable local laws and fair working practices for employees; to protect natural resources; to conduct fair trade; and to protect intellectual property rights.

Compliance and Whistleblower Programs

The Compliance Management System of PSI Software AG comprises the rules, standards and processes intended to ensure compliance with all relevant legal regulations and guidelines. The structure of the compliance organisation and the Compliance Management System are tailored to the requirements and needs of the entire PSI Group.

The central Group department Quality, Risk & Compliance, which reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for communication on all compliance issues and for designing and monitoring the compliance management system.

Employees have the opportunity to report compliance violations via the whistleblower system, which is operated by an external partner. As a first step, reports are reviewed by the external operator of the whistleblowing system and treated in strict confidence.