Optimization and control of business processes with industrial AI

Berlin, February 13, 2025 – The PSI Group will be presenting its comprehensive software portfolio for industrial companies and utilities at this year's Hannover Messe. Under the motto “Transform your business with Industrial AI - powered by PSI”, from March 31 to April 4, 2025 (Hall 17, Stand G24), the focus will be on AI-based applications for the sustainable optimization and control of business processes in production, logistics and energy supply. The decision-making and optimization procedures, as well as AI methods, are already in productive use in a number of PSI software products.

PSI at Hannover Messe 2024. PSI Software

At the Hannover Messe, PSI will be explaining the role that self-learning and automated qualitative labeling of business process data plays in the industrial application of adaptive, AI-based decision and optimization algorithms, and how logics make it possible to learn by machine from the adaptation of one's own algorithmic behavior.

For the manufacturing industry, the Enterprise Resource Planning System is presented with new functions for controlling and optimizing production processes. One highlight is a retrieval augmented generation system (RAG) integrated into the ERP system, which enhances the online help system with generative AI to provide users with appropriate recommendations based on their questions.

In addition, the cloud- and workflow-based Manufacturing Execution System will be shown, which offers intelligent capacity and resource planning with AI-based functions in Advanced Scheduling and Monitoring (ASM).

As the world's leading provider of MES solutions for the metals industry PSI will be presenting its cloud-capable and service-oriented production management solution. This integrates predictive and prescriptive AI models, Qualitative Labeling, KPI-driven production optimization and data-driven demand forecast.

Furthermore, the first AI-based platform that is directly connected to a warehouse management system and enables intelligent analysis and optimization of logistics-related processes will be presented. With the help of a digital twin, warehouse processes are mapped in real time so that physical changes are automatically recorded and included in the analysis. This solution improves the efficiency of WMS-supported processes and ensures dynamic adaptation to changing conditions.

In addition, it will be explained how AI supports the control and monitoring of electricity and industrial networks, as well as maintenance and servicing. PSI will demonstrate in a virtual reality showcase, how adaptive and interoperable modules in the energy control system can be used to efficiently and holistically map the processes for managing the network infrastructure.

Furthermore, visitors can obtain information about AI applications for supporting the automation of trading strategies and the optimization of end-to-end process flows in the energy market. 

As part of the themed days, there will be an opportunity to meet directly with PSI experts at the exhibition stand. Please, find more information on our event page.

The PSI Group develops software products for optimizing the flow of energy and materials for utilities and industry. As an independent software producer with more than 2,300 employees, PSI has been a technology leader since 1969 for process control systems that ensure sustainable energy supply, production and logistics by combining AI methods with industrially proven optimization methods. The innovative industry products can be operated on-premises or in the cloud. 

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