Sustainability Social commitment
As a global company, it is important to go beyond business and make a positive impact on society.
We take our social responsibility seriously and promote sustainable development.
Social Projects
PSI has been involved in social welfare projects for years. The Company and its employees support at several locations charitable works and organisations. Every year at Christmas PSI Energy Markets makes a donation to the Löwenherz Children’s Hospice. In Berlin, the employees of PSI Automotive and Industry GmbH made a collection at their Christmas party for the Sonnenhof Children’s Hospice of the Björn Schulz foundation.
PSI Logistics is also committed to sick and disadvantaged people and supports social institutions every year in the form of donations. These include Aschaffenburger Kindertäume e.V., Abenteuerfarm e.V. in Haibach, Ambulanter Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst in Dortmund, Herzmensch e.V. in Waldaschaff and Doctors Without Borders.
In addition, PSI has been supporting the Berliner Aids-Hilfe e.V. for many years. In addition, PSI promotes sporting activities for various employee groups by financing competitions and equipment.
Social commitment by PSI employees
Social commitment is not only of great importance for PSI as a company, but also plays a major role for the individual employees.
Against the background of the current situation in Ukraine, our colleagues have become active on their own initiative or in aid organizations to help affected people in and from Ukraine in a wide variety of ways.
The commitments include, on the one hand, setting up collection points for donations in kind and donation accounts and, on the other hand, direct on-site support. Among other things, relief goods were delivered to the appropriate points of contact in the border areas and carpooling opportunities for refugees to Germany were made possible. In addition, colleagues have been involved in arranging accommodation in Germany as well as in Ukraine's neighboring countries.
PSI as a company also supports its employees in their social commitment with a quota of time off for voluntary humanitarian workers and the assumption of costs for fuel and relief goods. In total, PSI has donated more than 100,000 euros to date, made up of:
- Donate money,
- reimbursement of costs for fuel and relief goods,
- paid time off for humanitarian volunteers and
- hardware donations.
Activities in Sensitive Countries
Currently PSI has no activities in sensitive countries.
Programmes to Address Digital Divide
PSI has given used IT equipment to educational institutions.