Sustainable production, logistics, energy supply and mobility

Berlin, 31 March 2021 - The PSI Group will present intelligent software solutions for sustainable production, logistics, energy supply and mobility at this year's Hannover Messe Digital Edition from 12 to 16 April 2021. Current concepts and systems as well as solutions in use based on artificial intelligence will be presented.

Based on the highly available PSI software platform, over fifty different AI methods are used productively in customer projects. By means of these integrated AI processes, PSI products thus make an important contribution to sustainable production, logistics, energy supply and mobility.

Further online exhibition highlights include the PSIpenta ERP system for company and industry-specific customer needs with individual adaptations. In addition, the workflow-based MES offers control of processes easily and without programming across all applications via workflows.

Furthermore, the flexible warehouse management system PSIwms demonstrates how warehouse and logistics processes can be designed transparently and efficiently. With the strategic tool PSIglobal for analysis, planning and optimization, existing procurement and distribution logistics networks or those to be newly developed can be identified.

With Qualicision and Deep Qualicision, solutions for the automatic learning optimization of business processes will also be shown as an AI framework, which are available as assistance and decision support systems as well as an AI software stack and are used both for planning and in real-time scenarios.

Moreover, software solutions for the reliable management of power grids will be presented. These include the control system PSIcontrol, the field force management system PSIcommand, PSIsaso/DSO for the implementation of Redispatch 2.0 as well as PSIsmartcharging for the integration of electrified public transport and the charging infrastructure of individual traffic into the power supply network.

The participation is rounded off by the exhibitor LIVESTREAM with Dr. Felix; Managing Director of PSI FLS Fuzzy Logik & Neuro Systeme GmbH, on Tuesday, 13 April 2021 from 11:30 to 11:55 a.m. on the topic "Green KPIs and intelligent optimization. Sustainability in business processes".

On the basis of its own software products, the PSI Group develops and integrates complete solutions for optimizing the flow of energy and material at suppliers (energy networks, energy trading, public passenger transport) and industry (raw material extraction, metal production, automotive, mechanical engineering, logistics). PSI was founded in 1969 and employs more than 2,000 persons worldwide.

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