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: Managing Digitalization and Complexity in Vehicle Depots

For subsequent users to accept basic systems, the systems need to be made available quickly. This is the case in many IT systems that significantly impact corporate processes – including Depot Management Systems.

Even during a Depot Management System’s introduction stage, many employees in the company have very high expectations. It takes just as long to compile the requirement specifications or functional specifications, in which all functions and processes have to be accurately described.

The good news: Actually implementing all the modules described from the very beginning is only necessary in the rarest of cases.

Many of your requirements are already covered in modern systems such as the PSItraffic/DMS Depot Management System in the basic system as well as through individually configurable workflows. The wheat is already separated from the chaff here and opting for industry-standard systems proves more than worthwhile.

A Good Basic System Forms the Foundation

Special additional functions should also be avoided during the introduction phase. It is fair to say that they promise additional, particularly positive effects that companies do not want to do without in order to ensure vehicle availability. This is certainly understandable. However, the fact is that the meaningful use of such functionalities firstly requires a solid database, which needs to be available at the start of a project.

Therefore, it is advisable to wait until after the introductory phase to select and integrate certain modules.

They are exposed to a high level of stress particularly in the most intensive phases of the implementation. As a result, a realistic project scope helps avoid overwhelm among users and ensure that they stay motivated over the long term.

What Is the Defenition of a Key User?

The term key user is used in the course of software implementation or in IT support. The key user himself is an employee of the company that introduces the software and, if necessary, subsequently provides technical support. If the key user takes over the technical support during operation, they represent at least 1st level support (first-line support) in accordance with ITIL. Source: Wikipedia 

Holistic It Roadmaps Considered a Recipe for Success

A look at practice shows that transport companies that develop, continually refine and consistently implement holistic IT roadmaps are the most successful. Thus, the scope or future viability of the overall DMS system is undoubtedly of crucial importance. However, for long-term success, it is important to allow a system to expand its functionalities and to acquire key users and all other users step by step. Furthermore, this is also in line with the reality of IT budgets.

Managing Digitalisation and Complexity at the Same Time Is Feasible

This prompts digitization and keeps the resulting complexity under control. This in turn leads to high acceptance among users.

Projects for introducing Depot Management Systems still have a rather difficult reputation for various reasons. Surprises can be avoided by developing a practical IT roadmap right from the start, with the team focusing on implementing a basic DMS system.

Thus, digitalization and complexity can be managed quite easily.

Let’s Get Easy-Started – 3 Steps to a Digital Depot

When introducing Depot Management Systems, many companies benefit from implementing a basic system first, then expanding it step by step. PSI Transcom now offers such a package with the new "easy" PSIeDMS start.

PSIeDMS start is a basic Depot Management System that allows you to take the first step from the analogue to the digital world in just a few weeks.

Your processes, such as vehicle parking, supply and scheduling, are displayed in one system.

3 Steps to Your Digital Depot

Step 1: Provide System
You procure the interfaces from your standard suppliers and configure your driver and vehicle master data – we deliver the system. Thanks to system training based on operational processes, expert training and corresponding training documents, you can now “digitalize” your depots. The software installation and database/interface connection can be carried out independently by means of checklists.

Step 2: Customize System
Master data is imported or entered, interfaces are configured and the operating screen is created.

Step 3: Commissioning
Once your team has been trained, the system can be used in daily operations after just eight weeks.

PSIeDMS start – The Perfect Entry-Level Solution for Companies That...

  • want to switch to the digital world.
  • start with zero-emission vehicles.
  • rely on standardised processes and solutions.
  • want to go live in the shortest possible time.
  • want to improve their process efficiency.
  • want to increase the availability of their vehicle fleet.

Your Further Information!

Further information on the basic PSIeDMS system and implementation can be found here.

Your contact

Alvar Schulze Head of Product Management, PSI Transcom GmbH

Alvar Schulze has been Head of Product Management for the Profahr product at PSI Transcom since 2022. Prior to his appointment, he was Managing Director of Moveo Software GmbH, which has been part of the company since 2018, for many years. 

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