Berlin, May 15, 2023 – The Supervisory Board appointed Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Robert Klaffus (43) as an additional member of the Executive Board for a period of five years and plans to permanently expand the Board of Management to three members. Robert Klaffus will take up his position in the second half of the year and, after a familiarization and transition period, is expected to take over as Chief Executive Officer from Dr. Harald Schrimpf (58), who will then step down prematurely after more than 20 years at the head of the Company. With this step, the Supervisory Board is initiating the generation change on the Executive Board of PSI and supporting the further growth of PSI by expanding the Executive Board. Robert Klaffus has worked for the Siemens-Group since 2005, most recently as Senior Vice President Operations in the Electrification division.

  • Robert Klaffus appointed to the Executive Board
  • Later expansion planned to include further Executive Board member
  • Handover of the chairmanship of the Executive Board in the context of the generation change

The Supervisory Board would like to thank Dr. Schrimpf for the work he has done over more than 20 years. During this time, the market capitalization of PSI was increased from 10 to over 450 million euros. In particular, the cloud-based PSI software platform, on which almost all PSI products are based today, was initiated by him and created under his leadership. With its "Green App Store 2026" strategy, the company is geared to generating profits well into the double-digit millions from 2026 onwards from the PSI cloud app store, whose applications for energy grids and industry are making a significant contribution to the integration of increasing shares of renewable energies worldwide.

Dr. Schrimpf (58), who signed his last Executive Board contract for three years in the fourth quarter of 2022, welcomes the strengthening of the Management Board and the associated prospect of being able to gradually transfer responsibility to highly qualified, younger managers. Robert Klaffus (43) is looking forward to his new management role and to working with the Executive Board team and the PSI Group. The Supervisory Board will actively accompany and support the Executive Board, which will henceforth consist of three members, in the upcoming gradual changes.

The PSI Group develops its own software products for optimizing the flow of energy and materials for utilities (energy grids, energy trading, public transport) and industry (metals production, automotive, mechanical engineering, logistics). The industry-specific products, which are built from standard components, are sold both directly and via the cloud-based PSI App Store and can also be customized by customers and partners themselves. PSI was founded in 1969 and employs more than 2,200 people worldwide.

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