Survey determines third-highest score in the IT industry group

Berlin, November 8, 2021 - In a study conducted for the first time by the magazine FOCUS and the sustainability initiative For Our Planet and published on November 6, 2021, the PSI Group was recognized as one of the German companies with top climate commitment. The award-winning companies were selected by FOCUS/For Our Planet together with research partner FactField, Klimaschutz-Unternehmen e.V. and Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger from the Centre for Sustainable Management (CSM) at Leuphana University Lüneburg.

To determine the top list, 42,000 companies located in Germany received an extensive online questionnaire in which the companies provided information on their previous climate commitment and its seriousness, the market impact and contribution of climate-friendly products, and climate targets. In addition to the online survey, public sources were analyzed for quality assurance in a multi-stage process. In addition, a group of experts conducted a scientifically supported research to record information on the status of climate commitment and the main climate impacts of products and services. On this basis, a total of 88 companies were recognized for their top climate commitment, including five companies from the IT industry group, among which PSI achieved the third highest score.

Social responsibility and sustainability have been of particular importance to PSI in customer projects and its own processes since the company was founded in 1969. PSI supports the United Nations' sustainability goals and makes a significant contribution to the careful and sustainable use of energy and raw materials in the energy industry, production and transport sectors with advanced software products. Since 2011, PSI has reported emissions data to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and consistently pursues the goal of avoiding CO2 emissions and supporting customers in achieving their emissions targets.

To the FOCUS/For Our Planet publication:

The PSI Group develops its own software products for optimizing the flow of energy and materials for utilities (energy grids, energy trading, public transport) and industry (metals production, automotive, mechanical engineering, logistics). The industry-specific products, which are built from standard components, are sold both directly and via the multi-cloud PSI App Store and can also be customized by customers and partners themselves. PSI was founded in 1969 and employs nearly 2,200 people worldwide.

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