Corporate News PSI with a 77% Increase in EBIT and Record New Orders in 1st Quarter

The PSI Group increased new orders by 9.4% to 105 million euros in the first quarter (31 March 2020: 96 million euros) and therefore booked more than one-hundred million euros in new orders in one quarter for the first time. The volume of orders on 31 March 2021 was, with 197 million euros, 5.4% over the figure of the previous year (31 March 2020:…

Industrial AI Power Grids and Sector Coupling Digitalization PSI Partners in Research Project IDiNA

PSI Software AG is participating with six partners in the research project IDiNA which is coordinated by the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. PSI will develop a validation platform for novel digitization applications in network operations and test it as a cloud-based solution. This will enable research partners to validate their new research…

Power Grids and Sector Coupling Energy Trading PSI Receives Contract for PEAK Research Project

PSI has been awarded the contract for the PEAK research project. This is to ensure the optimized integration of prosumers, who act both as energy producers and consumers, as well as electricity customers based on one energy platform. The research project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and has a…

Logistics Metals Industry Mobility Automotive Mechanical Engineering Industrial AI Power Grids and Sector Coupling Event Industry 4.0 Digitalization Sustainability PSI Presents Intelligent Software at the Hannover Messe Digital Edition 2021

The PSI Group will present intelligent software solutions for sustainable production, logistics, energy supply and mobility at this year's Hannover Messe Digital Edition from 12 to 16 April 2021. Current concepts and systems as well as solutions in use based on artificial intelligence will be presented.

Mobility Power Grids and Sector Coupling PSI Subsidiary Moveo Receives Order from Bus Company Voyages Emile Weber

The Luxembourg passenger transport and tourism company Voyages Emile Weber (VEW), headquartered in Canach, has awarded the PSI subsidiary Moveo Software GmbH with the delivery of the personnel dispatching system Moveo Profahr as well as the integrated depot and charging management system PSIebus.

Logistics Event Sustainability PSI Logistics is Exclusive Partner at the FIR Digital Theme Day 2021

The FIR at the RWTH Aachen University and its Exclusive Partner PSI Logistics GmbH will jointly host the FIR Digital Theme Day "Sustainable Supply-Chain Management" on April 15, 2021. The full-day event from the Smart Logistics Cluster on the RWTH Aachen University campus will be hosted as part of the "Logistics Day".