Careers at PSI I love optimizing steel production and baking processes
Detlef keeps people from working - this time Jérémy Coppe.
Let me introduce Jérémy Coppe, Head of the Competence Center Planning, who loves to see customers using the first screen he developed and had a “Corona style” wedding ceremony.
Jérémy, what I always wanted to ask you, is it true that you only work for customers located in a wine region?
Not all, of course, but I had some projects in very nice wine regions (e.g. Burgundy in France). In general, I always try to explore the regions where I worked through their wines. This is my way to combine business trips with my hobby - the wine tasting. There was a time I followed wine tasting evening courses for three years.

Let's start from the beginning. What did you study?
My parents are both teachers of mathematics. My brothers and I studied “Engineering for Applied Mathematics” at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. It was not easy to be the third in my family to choose the exact same topic for my studies. People believed that I am not really into applied mathematics but that I only chose it because of my family. Which was actually not true.
How was your start at PSI?
The hiring process at PSI was very special. It took some time. The interview was not like in other companies with a recruiter asking tricky questions and describing the company as a part of a nice marketing story. Instead, I met my future boss, who described enthusiastically and in much detail what I would be doing in my job. I was totally convinced by this rather human company and this job description.
I hope your start with PSI went smoothly.
In Brussels, we had a nice little office with a great atmosphere and many supportive colleagues. However, our software product had millions of lines of code, thousands of functions and I knew nothing about steel production. So, I had a lot to learn. Luckily, I had a great coach who was open to answering all my questions. He also taught me how to develop software in a professional way.
I still remember the first screen that I created as a software developer in PSImetals Line Scheduler. I am always proud when I see a customer using it. It is a nice feeling that customers all over the world use some of my developed features.
It was what I dreamed of during my studies.
What was your next step at PSI?
My “wine trip” started when I became a planning consultant for a customer in France. I helped to optimize the production flow through mathematical algorithms. In some way, it was what I dreamed of doing during my studies.
I worked as a consultant in Europe, Australia and India. In all these countries, I had a nice experience with colleagues as we explored the surroundings and the different types of local wine. After gaining more experience, I later became a Project Manager.
How did you manage to integrate Business Intelligence (BI) tool in PSImetals?
Our FutureLab team was looking for someone with experience in optimization. My job was to define improvements and inspire innovation. I organized workshops with customers and colleagues and based on their needs and experience I defined new functionalities. One result is the embedded BI tool to analyze data. The tool is very helpful for users to make the best decisions based on data.
Now you have been Head of Competence Center Planning for almost 2 years.
Yes, this was another special situation in PSI. Jörg Hackmann, Head of Product and Methodology, invited me to discuss a very special technical topic. I was wondering why he wanted to discuss those details with me. However, it was only an excuse to organize a private meeting and offer me this job.
I was very astonished, but also honored and challenged when he asked me to lead the Competence Center Planning. My planning background and the FutureLab experience were the basis for this offer.
I could not stop thinking, even at night.
I think your personality was a factor as well. What is the biggest challenge in your new management job?
Before I started in this new position, I could not stop thinking about how I should do my new job in a proper way, even at night.
My most important task is that everyone in my team gets a boost that motivates them and that they work in good conditions in order to deliver good results. Satisfied colleagues will take good care of our customers. In the past, I solved problems and was involved in all details. Now I have to learn how far I should be involved in technical problems and what I should delegate.
I am grateful that my experienced colleagues support me and have patience with me. After almost 2 years, I am happy to be doing this job with this team. During these Corona times, we keep contact with regular video calls. However, if somebody is in the office, it is nice to see how happy the colleagues are to see each other in person.
Luckily, my wife gave me her right phone number!
You got married last year. How did you meet your wife?
I met Yum in a restaurant terrace a couple of years ago. After we talked from table to table, I asked her for her phone number. She told me afterwards, that she thought for a second to give me a wrong number. Luckily, she gave me her right one!
We planned a grand wedding party last year. In the end, we were very glad to have a wonderful “Corona style” wedding ceremony with 15 people from our families.

I heard that you bake?
Besides biking, I also like baking. The steel process is quite similar to baking. You start with a batch, based on a recipe. You roll, you cut, refine and do many quality checks. In the run of the time, I optimized that process and my sweets are quite famous.
Did your wife accept your proposal because of your baking skills?
I do not think so. She even asked me to reduce this activity to avoid gaining weight.
Jérémy, thank you very much. Since we did our interview, a wonderful change in your life happened. Congratulation, you are a proud father of a daughter! I wish you, your wife Yum and your daughter all the best. Stay healthy and have fun. There will be no question between biking and baking for the next months – you will take care for Charlotte.
Detlef keeps people from working
“Since PSI's beginnings in 1981, our business has changed dramatically. Then as now, it is people who make the company what it is. I would like to introduce you to some of them.” - Detlef Schmitz
“Detlef keeps people from working” is a series in which Detlef Schmitz, Director Business Development at PSI Metals, asks colleagues how they found their way to PSI.