Energy Trading Gas Grids and Pipelines Power Grids and Sector Coupling Industrial AI PSI Info Days

Within the two year interval of our PSI EE Infodays, we inform interested parties, customers and partners about highlights and new features of our proven and new solutions. In addition, there are reports about us, the PSI business unit Electrical Ene

German, English
Target group
Energieversorger, Netzbetreiber, Energiehandel, Smart Grids, Industrie- und Bahnstromnetzbetreiber

Our extensive agenda will contain a mixture of larger and smaller speeches covering the topics of energy supply in all segments. 

We are taking the challenges of the market as well as our own developments into account when discussing topics of low voltage and pipe networks as well as a presentation of “Qualicision Smart Day Trader” - our new product for Algotrading, Cyber Security, AI as a booster for the energy transition and quantum physics in the utility market. Integrated and at the same time modular solutions in the SCADA/ADMS and SCADA/EMS realm offer added value. They allow you to cope with today’s as well as future tasks even more efficiently and securely.

By attending the PSI Info Days, you will benefit from our information-rich program and – not to forget - you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with us and like-minded people from the energy business.


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