TS-Energy Power Plant Optimization and Stochastic Risk Analysis

Optimization of your power plant portfolio on the highest level.

With TS-Energy, you maximize the expected return on your energy portfolio by generating optimal operating strategies for power plant operation and trading.

The comprehensive standard software provides you with all the tools you need to master the challenges of increasingly volatile energy markets: from risk analysis to optimization of the deployment planning of all assets in your portfolio to intraday marketing.

Well-known Swiss and German energy suppliers rely on the combination of proven algorithms and evaluation methods. In addition to conventional linear optimization, TS-Energy works with an algorithm for stochastic dynamic optimization of energy management systems. This enables higher profit margins to be achieved through better optimization and risks being managed more effectively.

Benefits at a Glance

  • Detailed modeling of power plants and assets Precise insights for optimal decisions and improved efficiency.
  • Trading support Professional asset management through trading on the intraday market.
  • Advanced algorithms Stochastic dynamic method enables more efficient operation of the plants, increases the limit value and at the same time reduces extreme operating hours and the volume of leakages.
  • Improved cost-effectiveness Optimization with TS-Energy leads to revenue increases by up to a double-digit percentage compared to conventional optimization approaches.
  • Extensive expertise Many years of operational experience and proven methods from the financial industry, complemented by specialized knowledge from the energy industry.


  • Modeling of power plants TS-Energy allows the detailed modeling of power plants such as pumped storage power plants and their components, including seasonal operating restrictions. With advanced calculation and optimization techniques, PSI software helps power plant operators to operate their plants efficiently and profitably. Our solutions are specifically designed to meet the challenges of increasing market volatility due to the growing share of renewable energy. In addition, TS-Energy generates assessments and risk analyses for each power plant.
  • Profit maximization of power plant operation The decreasing price differences between fuels (e.g. gas and coal) and electricity, as well as increasing CO2 fees, reduce the number of profitable operating hours for thermal power plants. Therefore, profit maximization through comprehensive optimization methods is gaining in importance. By modeling the specific characteristics of a power plant in detail and optimizing them using stochastic methods, bids and operating modes are improved, which leads to increased financial results.
  • Automated intraday trading Our software calculates trading positions, offers the option of automatically closing open positions and also enables cross-border trading. With the integrated autotrader, the functions of a trading system can be used in a single application.
  • Optimal prices TS-Energy supports pricing and risk analysis for a wide range of energy contracts. Optimal prices are also calculated for system services for network operators.

Typical Users

As a manager asset optimization

It is my goal to maximize the value and performance of assets while minimizing the associated costs and risks. The advanced algorithms integrated into the platform support this by increasing flexibility and efficiency, optimizing performance parameters and managing risks with profitability. By using the PSI software product TS-Energy, the performance of our power plants has been significantly increased.

  • Optimization of power plant operations
  • Risk analysis
  • Profit maximization


Companies that already rely on TS-Energy. We have been working with most of our customers for many years, in some cases since our company was founded.

Naturenergie Holding AG
Axpo Holding
Leipziger Stadtwerke


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