PSIcontrol Gas Network Control System for the Monitoring and Controlling of Gas Networks

For renewable gases, biogas, LNG and fossil gases.

PSIcontrol is a standardized, modular network control system for monitoring and controlling gas networks. This includes the transportation of renewable gases, such as green hydrogen, but also biogas, LNG and fossil gases. It includes functions for acquiring process values and their gas-specific processing, for visualizing all states in the gas network and for regulation control. Furthermore, gas-specific data archiving is an integral component.

It is characterized by high scalability, modularity and hardware/system software independence. Thanks to the open system concept, PSIcontrol can be expanded to include higher functions such as forecasting, simulation and gas transport management.

PSIcontrol meets the requirement for very high availability thanks to a system concept that is designed to be both site-redundant and disaster-tolerant.

Benefits at a Glance

PSIcontrol Gas
  • Functionally complete gas transport management system
  • Intuitive, comfortable, safe and easy operation
  • Flexible adjustments to individual needs
  • Smart operation, smart processing and smart configuration
  • Quick, efficient and sustainable increase of know-how
  • H2, biogas, LNG, natural gas and others


  • High Performance HMI Create high quality process displays and draw attention to important events. Navigate between different information and displays in the shortest possible way. Identify all elements that indicate critical situations, even in complex structures.
  • Alarms and Events Use graphical and tabular displays for quick detection and analysis. Get a comprehensive overview of all activities and network states. Systematically identify potential hazards and deviations from normal operations.
  • Data Historian Capture, aggregate and store all data to analyze and make correlations. Make corrections manually or graphically and recalculate aggregations. Identify critical issues and supplement captured data with important detailed information.
  • Master Data Management Define and configure all data points of a gas network or pipeline. Use templates for uniform parameterization and processing of similar data point types. Connect data points with graphical displays, data historian, simulation and scripts.
  • Scripts Calculate numeric values, determine states and execute commands. Directly access data points and save calculation results such as data points. Start your scripts cyclically or event triggered and use them for process displays, simulation and archives.
  • Process Display Editor Create excellent process displays so that you can quickly identify critical situations. Use different templates, standardized display elements and color coding. Identify critical issues and supplement captured data with important detailed information.
  • Analysis Show previously stored values in process displays instead of the current process values. Make corrections manually or graphically and recalculate aggregations. Analyze value changes either at selected time intervals or by events.

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