© PSI Software SE

PSIcontrol Safe and Secure, Efficient Dynamic and Flexible Grid Control

Control system for monitoring, controlling and simulating the behavior of power grids.

PSIcontrol is the top-of-the line control system for monitoring, controlling and simulating the behavior of power grids. Its modular design supports managing different grid types, for example, transmission, distribution and low voltage grids, as well as pipe-based grids for compressible (e.g., gas) and incompressible (e.g. district heating, water) media in the same system.

Grid simulation and optimization tools are available. The system supports multi-tenancy and can be installed geographically distributed. 


Research is necessary – PSI spends a substantial share of its revenues on research. Such is executed by PSI individually or in cooperation with other relevant players in the energy markets in private or publicly funded research. This is how we ensure that PSIcontrol is more than just a state-of-the-art solution supporting and inspiring you and your employees, both now and in the future.

Benefits at a glance

  • Modular design The scope of functions can be defined to meet the requirements of a project. Interfacing with other systems is supported by the standard.
  • Flexibility PSIcontrol grows with your requirements – both functionally as well as in data model size.
  • Distributed A single PSIcontrol system may be installed at different locations. All installations form the sin-gle control system instance.
  • Resilience PSIcontrol’s system design is a resilient one – faults are managed across the complete system. Cyber Security is of course part of the package.
  • Economic PSIcontrol supports integrating multiple energies (e.g., power, gas, water, district heating) in a single, multi-tenant capable system.
  • Standard PSIcontrol is a standard system. Updates and upgrades make the system an evergreen one meet-ing your requirements at any time.


  • User Interface PSIcontrol’s user interface has been designed and implemented to meet the specific requirements of energy control. It is uncompromisingly fast and extremely flexible. It supports all necessary formats (e.g., tables, curves, lists, substation -, overview and geographical displays including the map information). The user guidance is a direct one and avoids misinterpretation. The output formats are independent of the underlying graphics subsystem (X1, Java and browser). All symbols (Picture or Display Variables) an be edited and adapted by the administrator.
  • Data Engineering The important tool for providing a „static data model“ in PSIcontrol is the Data Engineering module. It is used to describe the processes and configure the processing. PSIcontrol’s Data Engineering comprises all functions for data entry and maintenance. Where necessary, it can be extended with numerous data import and export functions. The structure of the system and the processing rules provide a consistent data basis for the technological functions.
  • SCADA One of the most basic modules of PSIcontrol is SCADA. It interacts directly with the process. It maintains the dynamic information in the real-time database corresponding to the static data model. It was implemented for large data models and optimal dynamics. The SCADA system can be flexibly configured to meet the demands of individual customers. It also includes a pro-gramming environment for easy adaptation and extension of the system.

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