By submitting your online application, you agree to the following:

1. Declarations of consent for processing and use of data

1.1 Use of e-mail address

By entering your e-mail address, you agree that we may use your e-mail address as a means of communication for the remaining application procedure. We expressly point out that this currently takes place in the form of unsecured e-mail traffic. However, when sending unencrypted e-mails, the possibility of data being viewed and changed by unauthorized third parties cannot be excluded with certainty. By entering your e-mail address, you agree to unencrypted electronic communication and the sending of unencrypted e-mails by PSI Software SE. You can revoke this consent at any time.

1.2 Data transfer by PSI Software SE to the German Subsidiaries and its use therein

By submitting your data to PSI Software SE, you agree that the data may be processed by PSI Software SE and used according to its purpose by the respective group company for its application procedure. All personal data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality in accordance with the German Data Protection Act. Data will not be passed on to third parties outside our group of companies. The data will not be used for advertising purposes.

1.3 Use of the application for further jobs in the group of companies

If you have agreed that we may consider your application for further positions in the future and your application for the position you have applied for was unsuccessful, we can, for a period, keep your application data as an active applicant. Your application and your applicant data can/could then be automatically matched with any job vacancies within a company of our group.

1.4 Written form of the declaration of consent and revocation

You can withdraw your consent to the processing and use of your data at any time at

PSI Software SE
Dircksenstraße 42 – 44
10178 Berlin

2. Notes on data protection

2.1 Collection of data

PSI Software SE collects your application data in its own interest and on behalf of the searching group company and is the responsible body within the meaning of the Data Protection Act. Your data will be collected to carry out the application procedure.

2.2 Deletion of data

You agree that PSI Software SE retains the complete data up to a period of 6 months in the event of a rejection of the cooperation. Your application data that we should consider for use for further positions will also be kept by us for this purpose for a period of up to 6 months. After this storage period, the data is automatically destroyed. You will not be notified of the destruction of your data. Further information on data protection, including the reduced data set and the handling of your data can be found under Data Protection.