Gas Grids and Pipelines Sustainability PSI Emphasizes Software Competence for Gas Grids and Pipelines

PSI Software AG is renaming the "PSI Gas & Oil" business unit into "PSI Gas Grids and Pipelines". The move emphasizes the industry's transformation from CO2 heavy gases and liquids to gases and liquids that are lower in or neutral/free of CO2. PSI is currently involved in research and pilot projects to dramatically increase the share of these…

Mechanical Engineering PERFORATOR Contracts PSI with the Implementation of an ERP System

PSI Automotive & Industry GmbH has been awarded by PERFORATOR GmbH with the implementation of the ERP system PSIpenta Version 9.3. By replacing the old system, the core business processes will be modernized and mapped holistically without media breaks in the new ERP system.

Corporate News Harald Fuchs will leave the PSI Management Board on June 30, 2021

Due to differences of opinion between the Supervisory Board and Mr. Harald Fuchs regarding the future development of the PSI Group, Mr. Fuchs is leaving the company effective June 30, 2021 after eight successful years as Chief Financial Officer of the PSI Group. During his time on the Management Board, the PSI Group increased sales (2013: EUR 176…

Corporate News PSI with Stable New Orders and Sales in First Six Months

The PSI Group, with 141 million euros, only just missed the record volume of new orders of the previous year (30 June 2019: 142 million euros), despite the impacts of the Corona virus crisis. The order book volume on 30 June 2020 was, at 176 million euros, 3% above the previous year (30 June 2019: 171 million euros). Group sales of 104.9 million…

Industrial AI Power Grids and Sector Coupling SWMI Integrates Charging Infrastructure with PSI Smart Grid Solutions

SWM Infrastructure GmbH & Co.KG (SWMI), a company of the Stadtwerke München and a network operator of the local energy supply network, relies on the intelligent grid operator PSIngo from PSI GridConnect to integrate the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles into the local low-voltage networks. The innovative operations management concept…

Metals Industry Brazilian Steel Producer Gerdau awards PSI Metals and Primetals Technologies with the Delivery of a new MES

PSI Metals has been awarded by Gerdau Ouro Branco with the implementation of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for its melt shop at an integrated plant in Ouro Branco, Minas Gerais in Brazil. The project will be executed in cooperation with Primetals Technologies, combining leading automation and metallurgical as well as software know-how in…