Mobility Digitalization Umbrella City Lines GmbH Relies on Personnel Dispatching System Profahr

Umbrella City Lines GmbH has awarded PSI Transcom GmbH with the delivery of the personnel dispatching system Profahr. The system was successfully put into operation after an implementation phase of only four weeks.

Corporate News Dr. Harald Schrimpf resigns from the Executive Board

As part of the generation change on the Executive Board announced on 15 May 2023, Dr. Harald Schrimpf has resigned from his position on the Executive Board of PSI Software AG with effect from 30 June 2023. He will continue to be available to the PSI Group as a consultant until the end of 2023 following his departure from the Executive Board.

Power Grids and Sector Coupling PSI Supplies Mainzer Netze with New Network Control System PSIcontrol

PSI Software AG has been awarded by Mainzer Netze GmbH with the implementation of the network control system PSIcontrol 4.8. With comprehensive functions, the new system replaces the previous one. A successful factory acceptance test already took place at the end of April.

Logistics Leading Czech Retailer Sportisimo Relies on Efficient Warehouse Management with PSIwms

The international distributor of sportswear and equipment Sportisimo s.r.o. is launching the Warehouse Management System PSIwms and the Material Flow Control PSImfc from PSI. With a focus on the agile implementation method, the order was placed directly via the PSI App Store.

Mechanical Engineering Industrial AI Qualicision AI Based Production Optimization at Diebold Nixdorf

In only a few months’ time, PSI FLS Fuzzy Logik & Neuro Systeme has realized a system solution for order scheduling and production sequencing at Diebold Nixdorf’s main production site. PSI’s standard components PSIasm/Qualicision Sequencing and PSIpenta Adaptive Planning make up the foundation for the system. The order came in via PSI’s App Store.

Metals Industry PSI Implements New Production Management System at Villares Metals

At the Brazilian steel producer Villares Metals, the new production management software PSImetals 5.23 for the Multi Line Hot Rolling Mill went already live in November 2022. The PSI Metals’ long-term customer decided to replace their existing solution with PSImetals in order to improve quality control, harmonize the IT landscape and reduce…