Berlin, July 25, 2024 - Contrary to original plans, the current chairman of the Supervisory Board of PSI Software SE, Mr. Karsten Trippel, will not be available for a further term of office on the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board's proposed resolution on agenda item 6.1 to elect Mr. Trippel to the Supervisory Board for a further term of office at the upcoming Annual General Meeting of PSI on July 26, 2024 will therefore not be put to the vote.

The reason for this is that the shareholder Investmentaktiengesellschaft für langfristige Investoren TGV, which holds just under 25% of the shares, and Mr. Trippel have different ideas about the future direction of the Supervisory Board.

The resolutions proposed by the Supervisory Board for the election of the other shareholder candidates for the Supervisory Board (agenda items 6.2 to 6.4) remain unaffected by this and will be put to the vote unchanged on July 26, 2024.

Mr. Trippel's current term of office until the end of the Annual General Meeting on July 26, 2024 and his current chairmanship of the Supervisory Board remain unaffected by this.

The PSI Group develops software products for optimizing the flow of energy and materials for utilities and industry. As an independent software producer with more than 2,300 employees, PSI has been a technology leader since 1969 for process control systems that ensure sustainable energy supply, mobility and production by combining AI methods with industrially proven optimization methods. The innovative industry products can be operated on-premises or in the cloud.

IR Contact

  • Karsten Pierschke Head of Investor Relations and Communications
    PSI Software SE
    Dircksenstraße 42-44
    10178 Berlin

Investor Relations Contact

  • Karsten Pierschke Head of Investor Relations and Communications
    PSI Software SE
    Dircksenstraße 42-44
    10178 Berlin