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How Industrial Intelligence Takes Quality Management to a New Level

29 Oct 2020, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Production

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere: it’s there when we search the internet or drive our smart cars. The explosion of new AI applications is directly related to the digitalization of our society. But AI is also increasingly playing an important role in industry, especially in the metals production. Learn how new technologies like AI or Machine Learning can help improve your production quality and to finally reach the silence on the shopfloor.

How to Predict Defects with Machine Learning - Acting Instead of Reacting, Part 2

22 Jan 2020, Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, Production, Technology

Defects reduce the quality of products and lead to economic losses. Imagine that software could predict which defects might occur and adjust production processes to avoid them. The models of Machine Learning (ML) make it possible! Learn how ML is used in order to predict production-related defects.