PSI Blog

The Internet of Metals – How to Trace the DNA of a Coil

09 Dec 2020, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Production, Technology

When people think of DNA analysis they often think about shows like CSI, which portray DNA samples coming into a lab and immediately pulling up a picture of the suspect. It is fascinating how only a single DNA fragment can be used to draw conclusions about a person! This concept can also be transferred to the metals industry: the company coilDNA has developed a revolutionary technology that gives individual pieces of metal an identity, tracks its history and turns them into an intelligent product. 

Chicken or the Egg – How to Perform Root Cause Analysis in 3 Steps

Chicken or the Egg – How to Perform a Root Cause Analysis in 3 Steps

02 Dec 2020, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Production, Technology

“I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know which one comes first!” Unfortunately, metals production is too complex for a simple answer like this. Production defects can often only be detected when it is already too late. So what if you could identify the root cause of a defect and thus once and for all answer the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg?