PSI Blog

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Efficient Heat Scheduling Combined with Energy Management in a Hybrid Steel Plant

26 Jun 2023, Energy, Sustainability, Technology

METEC is the world’s leading event for metallurgical technology. Held every four years, this year’s METEC, the 11th International Metallurgical Trade Fair, saw about 18,000 experts and key decision makers visiting the event. With exhibitors and visitors from various sectors in the industry, the recurring topics of discussions were unsurprisingly green steel and artificial intelligence.

AISTECH in the US and Future Aluminum Forum

A Peek Into the North American Steel and Aluminum Industries

25 May 2023, Sustainability, Technology, Production

In recent years, metals producers are actively working towards decarbonizing the industry. This has led to breakthroughs in the use of hydrogen, renewable energy and digital transformation in producing green steel.This brings about numerous questions like, how can green steel and aluminum produced in the US be protected against imported ones with high CO2 footprint? How can producers leverage renewable energy for cheaper and optimized production? Furthermore, how can aluminum producers achieve the net zero target? These are some of the issues discussed at AISTECH in the US and Future Aluminum Forum, Canada in May 2023.

Workflow automation using smart materials

Smart Material and Work Flows at the Age of Industry 4.0

13 Apr 2023, Industry 4.0, Technology, Production

The Industry 4.0 paradigm shift in the late 2010s triggered smart automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies and processes. It brought about increased applications of Artificial Intelligence in the industrial sector. Steelmakers were impacted by this digital transformation leading to smart products, processes and supply chains. By optimizing data and leveraging information in real time, they had more efficient and faster decision-making. However, to capture these opportunities and manage smart material flows and sustainable ecosystems, a Production Management System (PMS) also needs an I4.0 upgrade.


Unlocking the Potential of Digital Transformation in the Metals Industry: Insights from the Digital Transformation Forum 2023

30 Mar 2023, Production, Technology, Industry 4.0

PSI Metals returned with a presentation on improving production quality with advanced analytics at the AIST’s Digital Transformation Forum 2023 in Pittsburgh, PA. They were among the sponsors and presenters that discussed prominent topics, with the dominant topic being the use of data-driven AI technology.